Thousands of aromas and wardrobes
Dozens of characteristics
Analysis instead of magic and astrology
Statistics instead of subjective opinions
Perfume search by similarity of compositions
Do you want to find fragrances in the same direction, similar in notes and other characteristics? Our bot can help you! It will instantly analyze characteristics of your fragrances, identify regularities and offer recommendations. To start search you need to select one (or up to 3 similar) fragrance and one or more suitable genders. Using additional filters, you can narrow down the search area by market segment and launch time.
Perfume search by similarity of tastes
Find your perfume among those which people with similar tastes like! To start search you need to select from 3 (minimum) to 5 favourite fragrances. You can also specify up to 5 fragrances which you dislike - it is not necessarily, but it will allow us to define your taste profile more precisely. The robot compares the selected aromas with perfume wardrobes of thousands other users, detects allied wardrobes and recommends you the most popular perfumes in them. (Mandatory similarity between perfumes is not supposed here.)